Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Invisible Idea

They are most dangerous to The Unaware.

The double cross is
when you think a certain thing is happening,
instead you were tricked.

It was the invisible idea, surprise.

Illusion leads you the same path of invisible ideas.
It is like a sucker punch thought.
Do not plug in to them.
Choose your thoughts.

Not all thoughts are beneficial.

As it is written some place, you should be
"casting down imaginations that exalt themselves...."

That is where you start.

It is simple as that.
Plugging into the right things.
Unplug from the wrong things.

The lie, the truth, superstition,
 health, sickness, drama.....plug in to what you want.

You can actually open a door for RIGHT things to happen,
 all by choice.
Alrighty Then. Choose your thoughts.

God is more real than you are experiencing.

Make a "connection" with The Almighty.
Plugged in.

- Daniel Boone>


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