Monday, December 26, 2016

life before and after

Life always consists of a before and after.
There are daily events of before and after,
and there are other events that happen through life not on a daily basis.

There is life after the new car and before the new car.
There is life after the move from one place to another and there is life before the move.
Usually life before and after should be different.

Now pay particular attention to the next sentence.

There is life before the prayer and there is life after the prayer.
For some of you a light has just turned on.

Problems that can be solved by Prayer
need to have an attached faith - that the prayer has been heard and
that life is NOW different,
even though you may not immediately see the change.
There is life before the Prayer and there is life after the prayer.

The Master once spoke of a mountain that could be removed by faith.
He actually said and I quote, Verily I say unto you,
That whosoever Shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea;
and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass;
he shall have whatsoever he saith.

The mountain has often been viewed as symbolic of a problem.

In that case, then,

there is life before you speak to your problem and
life after you speak to it.

After you speak to it, then you should not be calling it your problem.

This is true only if you believed things have changed,
which IS the requirement -
that you believe whatsoever you say will come to pass.

This is not what we call reality. This is what we call faith.
The result is By God provision.
I have a short recording I made for
to benefit you, called It was gone Enjoy but take it to heart.
It is another thing that

after you have decided to have the faith it takes,

for the results you want,

be sure that you do not cast away your confidence.

If you cast away your confidence in the faith you have gathered,
then it ruins your faith.

Confidence and faith go together, ALWAYS.

If you have the faith it takes,
then you also will have the confidence to see it though.

Take a listen here
and do not be unbelieving,
but believe, have faith in God (click).

Be well.
Do not look behind unless you want to go that way.
- Daniel Boone
-AKA Spiritblood


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Over estimate and Under estimate

Like aiming for a target, or goal. Your
estimation needs to be accurate.

I heard that we over estimate what we can
do in a year.

I heard that we underestimate what we can
do in five years.
In five years a person could get extra

If you fail at what you want to do in a
year, take another year.
It is better to accomplish than to label
your self a failure.
Do you agree?

A Key person in history said to count the
cost before you begin certain tasks.
To fall short in a project or goal because
of lack of funds is like being stranded.
maybe a person failed to set certain goals to measure progress.

You may need advice. You may need to pray.
I tell you respectfully do not under
estimate God’s ability to help you.

Some will over estimate money.
Those types will be willing to sacrifice
peace, happiness and all current relationships for money.
In the end the pursuit of money may take
one’s health.
Then where will the money go?
Had the person’s priorities been different
the end certainly
would have been different also.

Many do under estimate public programming
and it’s influence on the mind.
I myself have known about mind control and
the public experiments
since the 1960’s.

I also heard that we over estimate the
devil and under estimate God.
The devil and fear are paralyzing some
people. Those people take
extra caution to “not make the devil mad”,
and this results
in having more respect for the devil than
for God.
Do you agree with that?

Sometime it is because God’s willingness
is under estimated.
How about the love and favor of God?
Many times that alone will bring

A God that can raise the dead certainly
can help you.

“Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard,
that the everlasting God, the LORD,
the Creator of the ends of the earth,
fainteth not,
 neither is weary?
there is no searching of his
He giveth power to the faint;
and to them that have no might he
increaseth strength
Isaiah Chp40 verse28, 29

The One who knows you best
also One who can supply all your needs.

Until we meet again
- Daniel Boone

I invite you to like my Facebook Page

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Spiritblood - One Fair Choice

It is not fair for you to think that it is not fair.

 Have you ever thought that something was not fair?

What about God?
Have you ever thought that God was not fair with you?

 I recently had the illumination that God Is Fair.

 Now there may be people that cheat and lie to you, but,
that is not God.

God Is Fair. And that is what levels the playing field.

 That is also something to be thankful about.


God is fair IS the great equalizer.
It is a wonderful thing.


If you are cheated, God's fairness is the great equalizer.

You have heard what goes around, comes around.


You have heard they made their bed, now they are lying in it.

 And, you have heard you will reap what you sow.

 Sooooo - God's fairness is the equalizer woven into life.

 If God gives you a choice, then that choice is fair.

You can count on it.

  Consider for a moment that
there were two trees in the midst of the Garden of Eden.

 The choice was simple.

 One tree was the best possible choice that Adam could have made.

  And, the other tree was

 the worst
possible choice he could have made.

 No one gets away with anything and God is aware of all things.

 If you are wronged,
then you will have to make a choice like Adam

  - the best possible choice is to rely on God's fairness.

Proverbs Chapter 20:22 (it's Bible advise)

 If someone lies to you, you may get upset.

 You may get revengeful.

you may pout and say, "It is not fair".

 God is fair.

 Consider this scripture verse:

 thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous;

with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.
-Psalms Chapter 5:12


When you do decide to walk with God you will find
that old things passed away,

 and all things become new.

 Realize you are sustained by God's goodness.

 You might say that the verse is only for the righteous so it
is not fair.

 It's your choice!


Blessed be the Lord , who daily loadeth us with benefits, 

even the God of our salvation. Selah. -Psalms Chapter 68:18

 The answer for you is to have a part in those benefits of God.

Have "The Fair God" on your side.

It is not automatic.

 I do have a opportunity page for you to consider


- Daniel Boone

  Walk in the light - you'll be alright



"He that sacrifices a thankoffering will glorify Me, and
will prepare a way by which
I may shew him the salvation of Elohim."
-Psalms 50:23 RSNB


When thou saidst, Seek ye my face;
my heart said unto thee,

 Thy face, LORD, will I seek.
-Psalms Chapter 27:8

Monday, September 5, 2016

Old Age Propaganda

I would like to tell you about this 93 year old lady who

went to the doctors office with a pain in her left shoulder.

The doctor did some motion tests and ex-rays and a few questions.

The doctor could not explain the pain.

He said,

“Well now, you know you are getting older,

and that pain in your left arm is from old age”.

The lady replied, “But doctor,

this right arm is just as old as the left arm

and it doesn’t hurt!”

As a people we like to blame old age for many things

– this is the result of negative propaganda.

“OLD”, just means you been around a little longer.

OLD is not the same as feeble. Or weak. Or without a will.

Mind conditioning that accepted results in

a good profit for the medical and prescription industry.

Not saying any thing bad about medicine.

It helps some.

We have known for a while now that people go in the direction

 of their thoughts.

The person that says “I can’t” all the time,

will find they are right.

I want to inject a thought here because of the many who fall

for that old age stuff.

This is it:

For anything to be blamed on old age it has to be

common to all old people.

Now I want to tell you that What you believe is very important

– even if you joke about it

– will affect you.

I used to say that life is just like a roll of toilet paper

– the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes.

I realized that it is these type of things

that a person gets into believing.

What a cute joke!

The actuality of my experience now,

is that time is going by faster than I am aging.

You might think, “How can that be?”

Let me tell you first of all,

without God it is impossible.

Without God,

all that is left is the propaganda.

Listen please. You are gonna believe something.

I pray it be the Truth.

-time is going by faster than I am aging.

“How can that be?”

Something was activated in me:

Faith is all that is needed to ensure a participation.

Example 1:

“With long life will I satisfy him,

and shew him my salvation.”

– Bible Psalms 91:16

Caught the thought? ? ?

This is God saying that in the long life,

Salvation of God would be seen.

That salvation of God includes – strength in a long life

– a renewal of vigor

– zeal for joy, liveliness

Faith is all that is needed to ensure a participation.

In the strength it is a seeming paradox.

We “have no might” in ourselves;

but in Him we have strength,

and He “increases” in strength in us

We all know about Samson.

Every believer has experienced this to one degree or another.

It all affects our bodies and

the chemicals that are released in our bodies.

Sustained by the bounty of God,

old things should be passed away,

and all things become new,

and we should be so quickened by the Divine Spirit, that we

can confidently say, as King David did,

“Bless the LORD, O my soul”

If we never stop thanking God, till he stops blessing us,

our task will be will be eternal.

It is enough to make any man cry,

“Bless the Lord, O my soul.”

Example 2:

Those that be planted in the house of the LORD

shall flourish in the courts of our God.

They shall still bring forth fruit in old age;

they shall be fat and flourishing;

Psalms 92:13,14

A God that can raise the dead certainly can do something for you.

As with all other blessings which flow from the lovingkindness

and tender mercy of God, they are accessed by faith and

imply a measure of enjoyment.

As we Increase in the knowledge of God;

Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power

-book of Colossian 1:11

Blessed be the Lord , who daily loadeth us with benefits,

even the God of our salvation. Selah.

ps 68:18

The One who knows

is also One who can supply all your needs.

Self dependence is over rated.

Depend on God.

Start today.

Be well.

Daniel Boone

beauty for ashes


“He that sacrifices a thankoffering will glorify Me, and

will prepare a way by which

I may shew him the salvation ……”

-Psalms 50:23 RSNB

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Operation Fixing the fix, a better way

Have you ever- “should’ve brought a new one”.

That is usually when you’ve spent too much time

or money on fixing the thing.

If only you knew ahead of time what it would cost,

how much time it would take,


you could have avoided the pressure that came along,

with the frustration.

There is someone who did know.

Could have consulted?

I am thankful I know this going forward.

Our faith is usually in fixing the thing,

or if that does not work, we fix the fix.

Example: I had a flat tire.

So, I plugged the hole in the tire.

The plug leaked air. So, I put some fix-a-flat

product in the tire, to fix the first fix (the plug).

I ended up buying a knew tire.

Someone already knew all that I would go through.

I did not ask.

First God? God first?

I could have consulted. Right?

Some businesses upgrade software.

Then the software needs more memory.

Soon the hard drive does not have enough room.

Someone knew this. Someone was ignored. Nobody asked.

Someone said, ask, and it shall be given.

I should have. How bout you?

Are you feelin it.


Ever have to fix the fix.  the fit is in

Someone knows ahead of time

He said if you are one of His,

then you will hear His voice.

I invite you to like my Facebook page

I would like you to listen to The One who knows.

There is also One who can supply all your needs,

but that is another issue.

Most people will not tap into anything outside of themself.

Self dependence is over rated.

Depend on God. Start today.

Be well.

– Daniel Boone

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Invisible Ideas

They are most dangerous to The Unaware.

The double cross is
when you think a certain thing is happening,
instead you were tricked.

It was the invisible idea, surprise.

Illusion leads you the same path of invisible ideas.
It is like a sucker punch thought.
Do not plug in to them.
Choose your thoughts.

Not all thoughts are beneficial.

As it is written some place, you should be
"casting down imaginations that exalt themselves...."

That is where you start.

It is simple as that.
Plugging into the right things.
Unplug from the wrong things.

The lie, the truth, superstition,
 health, sickness, drama.....plug in to what you want.

You can actually open a door for RIGHT things to happen,
 all by choice.
Alrighty Then. Choose your thoughts.

God is more real than you are experiencing.

Make a "connection" with The Almighty.
Plugged in.

- Daniel Boone


Monday, April 11, 2016

Words from the frog

There was a group of frogs traveling through the woods....
Now let me say here,
Words are so powerful - they can set your destiny.

It is no secret that people use affirmations.
In the affirmation they usually say something positive and
 then declare it as them or for them.
Example= you would say "I am a success" no matter what it looked like.
It is a rumor that this will make you a success.

There was a group of frogs traveling.....
Now listen, the word you speak to others affects them and
maybe their future.
Some time you may have to turn a deaf ear to what
 others are saying, so as to NOT be affected by them.

There was a group of frogs traveling through the woods when two
 of them fell into a deep pit.
When the other frogs saw how deep the pit,
 they told the two frogs to give up and accept death.

The two frogs just ignored their comments and with all their might
they jumped as high as they could to get out of the pit.
The other frogs kept telling them to stop jumping because they were
 as good as dead.
Finally, one of the frogs listened to the others and stopped jumping.
He gave up and fell down and died.

 The other frog in the pit continued to jump as hard as he could.
Once again the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain
of it all and just die.
That one frog jumped even harder and finally made it out.

When he got out the other frogs said,"Did you not hear us?"
 The frog explained to them that he was deaf and that he thought
 they were encouraging him to jump.

Our words do have power, like the frog that listened
to the wrong thing died. The frog that could not hear was
listening to what he thought they were saying.
So then what you listen to has power in your life.

Like bullets from a gun
 you cannot stop the words after they are released.

Take heed how you hear.
Take heed how you speak.
Avoid the careless tongue.
Guard the truth.

I am aware of the power of words because
that is how faith is expressed.

Thank you - be well.

I have created a web page
* *
Now I can sponsor you in

I have my web page hosted at Hosting24
* *

I advertise at God Centered Marking

Those are my current recommendations.

Saturday, April 9, 2016


There was a group of frogs traveling through the woods....
Now let me say here,
Words are so powerful - they can set your destiny.

It is no secret that people use affirmations.
In the affirmation they usually say something positive and
 then declare it as them or for them.
Example= you would say "I am a success" no matter what it looked like.
It is a rumor that this will make you a success.

There was a group of frogs traveling.....
Now listen, the word you speak to others affects them and
maybe their future.
Some time you may have to turn a deaf ear to what
 others are saying, so as to NOT be affected by them.

There was a group of frogs traveling through the woods when two
 of them fell into a deep pit.
When the other frogs saw how deep the pit,
 they told the two frogs to give up and accept death.

The two frogs just ignored their comments and with all their might
they jumped as high as they could to get out of the pit.
The other frogs kept telling them to stop jumping because they were
 as good as dead.
Finally, one of the frogs listened to the others and stopped jumping.
He gave up and fell down and died.

 The other frog in the pit continued to jump as hard as he could.
Once again the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain
of it all and just die.
That one frog jumped even harder and finally made it out.

When he got out the other frogs said,"Did you not hear us?"
 The frog explained to them that he was deaf and that he thought
 they were encouraging him to jump.

Our words do have power, like the frog that listened
to the wrong thing died. The frog that could not hear was
listening to what he thought they were saying.
So then what you listen to has power in your life.

Like bullets from a gun
 you cannot stop the words after they are released.

Take heed how you hear.
Take heed how you speak.
Avoid the careless tongue.
Guard the truth.

I am aware of the power of words because
that is how faith is expressed.

Thank you - be well.

I have created a web page
* *
Now I can sponsor you in

I have my web page hosted at Hosting24
* *

I advertise at God Centered Marking

Those are my current recommendations.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Notice the stars

Notice the stars.

Which stars are you following?

Look up, can you count them?

Are you a star purposed by God?

Your purpose-including, likes, desires, challenges-

is where your place and success is.

You don’t have to follow other stars.

What you are purposed for will come easier than other things.

Hearing comes easier to the ear than smelling.

That is because the purpose of the ear is to hear, not to smell.

So, there is one that knows your purpose, even if you don’t.

Which star are you following, I asked.

Notice the stars. Can you count them?

You are your own star.

You have your own purpose.

The key = NOT to work against yourself.

Work with yourself and you natural God given abilities.

Don’t sell a product that you don’t like.

Stay with something you like and

your enthusiasm will come through in your talking.

You should consider your destiny,

where do you want to go or be 5 years from now.

Consider how many hours you want to work every day.

This will be part of your cycle.

Consider how many days per week you would like to work.

This will be part of your cycle, or routine if you prefer that word.

Can you do it on the road?

Do you want a head quarters or home to work from?

If you stay consistent, then you will progress consistent.

If you are at this point,

then you do not need to consider how to yet!

Answer WHAT you want first. What is it that you want?

Next, why do you want what you want?

Free up your time?

Have more money? Travel?

I hope you are smart enough to know that

greed is not a satisfactory motive because greed is never satisfied.

I have seen people who want to work from home.

You can start with nothing. It is true.

I have also seen that people who need the money the most,

do not have the time to start from nothing,

because they are needing to pay something RIGHT NOW.

I can pay your way into a program that I am working on.

And, you really don’t have to do anything but occupy a position.

BUT, if I give you money I don’t want you to run off with it.

So I request you to join and I reimburse your money though paypal.

If you already have a program,

then consider helping other in this manner.

Also you must consider,

if you have the time to wait for me to make the money for you.

If this is agreeable to you

The way out is easy.

Thank you – be well.

I have created a web page

Now I can sponsor you in

I have my web page hosted at Hosting24

I advertise at God Centered Marking

Notice the stars

Notice the stars.

Which stars are you following?

Look up, can you count them?

Are you a star purposed by God?

Your purpose-including, likes, desires, challenges-

is where your place and success is.

You don’t have to follow other stars.

What you are purposed for will come easier than other things.

Hearing comes easier to the ear than smelling.

That is because the purpose of the ear is to hear, not to smell.

So, there is one that knows your purpose, even if you don’t.

Which star are you following, I asked.

Notice the stars. Can you count them?

You are your own star.

You have your own purpose.

The key = NOT to work against yourself.

Work with yourself and you natural God given abilities.

Don’t sell a product that you don’t like.

Stay with something you like and

your enthusiasm will come through in your talking.

You should consider your destiny,

where do you want to go or be 5 years from now.

Consider how many hours you want to work every day.

This will be part of your cycle.

Consider how many days per week you would like to work.

This will be part of your cycle, or routine if you prefer that word.

Can you do it on the road?

Do you want a head quarters or home to work from?

If you stay consistent, then you will progress consistent.

If you are at this point,

then you do not need to consider how to yet!

Answer WHAT you want first. What is it that you want?

Next, why do you want what you want?

Free up your time?

Have more money? Travel?

I hope you are smart enough to know that

greed is not a satisfactory motive because greed is never satisfied.

I have seen people who want to work from home.

You can start with nothing. It is true.

I have also seen that people who need the money the most,

do not have the time to start from nothing,

because they are needing to pay something RIGHT NOW.

I can pay your way into a program that I am working on.

And, you really don’t have to do anything but occupy a position.

BUT, if I give you money I don’t want you to run off with it.

So I request you to join and I reimburse your money though paypal.

If you already have a program,

then consider helping other in this manner.

Also you must consider,

if you have the time to wait for me to make the money for you.

If this is agreeable to you

The way out is easy.

Thank you – be well.

I have created a web page

Now I can sponsor you in

I have my web page hosted at Hosting24

I advertise at God Centered Marking