I consider my self weak and
out of control if I let my thoughts control my actions.
Yet it does happen, less and less often.
A passing thought is not reason to be inconsiderate.
Do you notice that some people speak out of their emotions and hurt others?
I am strong when my thoughts are directed by The lord.
In this way I can be thoughtful and courteous to others.
No one must control my emotions.
I am master of my emotions- they do not master me.
Nor does anyone human master me.
I will make allowance for the emotions of others.
Some people do not have this knowledge, so it must filter it out though me.
They may be overcome by their emotions in their weakness.
Tomorrow he will change, I will greet him again, tomorrow.
Today I will laugh at the world.
Laughter is a gift.
I must use this gift.
A man has the gift to laugh.
This is a day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice in it.
Joy, cheer and a merry heart are mine.
These types of emotions will tend more toward health and abundance.
Why should I make my self sick because of the way someone treated of me?
My outlook on life is that: This too shall pass.
I will laugh- at my self.
All worldly things shall pass. I will keep my health,
and I will keep my peace,
and I will keep my joy.
I will let my smile bring forth smiles.
-Daniel Boone
AKA Spiritblood
This too shall pass. Amen on that Daniel. ~Terri Pattio